Help us get Ethan Glynn’s family into their new home!

Ethan’s Story

Ethan Glynn in football uniform, holding football helmet

Ethan, on the football field at JHS

At 15 years old, Ethan Glynn was a freshman at Bloomington Jefferson High School, the captain of his hockey team, played shortstop in baseball, and was impressive on the football field as a running back and defensive back. Tragically, Ethan’s life forever changed on September 2, 2022 after he suffered a complete spinal cord injury at C4-5 while making a routine tackle in the first football game of his 9th grade season for the Bloomington Jefferson Jaguars.

The injury left him paralyzed from the chest down. Ethan underwent several surgeries at Hennepin County Medical Center immediately following the injury to remove and fix vertebrates in his neck and stabilize his spine. After 27 days at HCMC Ethan was transported to Colorado’s Craig Hospital, a leader in spinal cord rehab, to begin therapy. While at Craig, Ethan spent his days attending physical and occupational therapy, meeting with medical professionals, attending school, and meeting with other teens at Craig — all in an effort to get stronger and try to understand his new normal. Without the use of his arms, Ethan needed to be fitted for a wheelchair that he controls with his mouth by breathing through a straw-like device. He also learned how to play video games using an adaptive device, as he began learning how to embrace a world that looks different than what he previously knew.

Ethan’s positive attitude and drive are inspiring to those around him. Ethan’s family, friends, and teammates, as well as the entire community, have come together to support him, often in awe of his tenacity.  Bauer Design Build has teamed up with the Glynn family to champion the building of their new home that is more conducive to Ethan’s needs. The construction community has been amazing in offering their services at zero cost to the family to help make this happen.

How Ambiance Home Staging got involved

Ambiance was asked to assist with the design aspect for Ethan’s space and create a gathering place for the family. Carrie Ingalls, owner of Ambiance, recently toured the nearly-complete new home with Cassidy, Ethan’s mom. “Once I walked through the house and had a chance to meet Cassidy, I realized that I couldn’t do just two rooms,” said Carrie. “I need to give this family a complete home to move back into and begin creating new memories. The challenges they have faced over the past year and the future hurdles they will meet with Ethan’s needs are significant. My goal is to create a home where Ethan and the family can relax and come together, but to do that, we need additional help.”

Ambiance is donating significant time and product as a gift to the family. The company has created design boards and sourced items locally in an effort to move fast and efficiently. To provide a completely furnished home, the company has a $40,000 fundraising goal to help with this significant effort.

Ambiance Design Boards

How can you help?

We are seeking donations ASAP to reach our $40,000 goal, enabling us to expand our work and furnish the entire home for the Glynn family. There are 2 options for donating:

  • Click here or scan the QR code to immediately donate via credit card, with optional receipt. Please reference “Glynn Home Fundraiser” in the memo field.
  • Mail a check c/o Ambiance at Home to 11965 Larc Industrial Blvd, Unit 400, Burnsville, MN 55337. Please reference “Glynn Home Fundraiser” in the memo field. Please note that no tax receipts will be provided for mailed checks.

We know just how amazing this community is, and we really hope you can help us out!

QR Code to donate now


Please email Ambiance owner Carrie Ingalls:

Learn more

Click below for more information about Ethan’s journey and community efforts to support the Glynns.

Thank you

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity. With your help, we know we can reach our goal and make this year a bright one for the Glynn family.